I do not understand my installation of sagetex. As far as I understand it, 
Sage will use the files accessible via 
$SAGE_ROOT/venv/share/texmf/tex/latex/sagetex, and that’s what I symlinked 
to my LaTeX setup (in /usr/local/share/tex/latex/ in a Debian testing 

However, this version differs sensibly from what can be cloned from the github 
repository <https://github.com/sagemath/sagetex>. Even the files are 
differenty named : in the Sage installation :

$ ls /usr/local/sage/venv/share/texmf/tex/latex/sagetex
CONTRIBUTORS        __pycache__                  sagetex.ins
example.tex         remote-sagetex.dtx           sagetexparse.py
extractsagecode.py  remote-sagetex.py            sagetex.sty
makestatic.py       run-sagetex-if-necessary.py  scripts.dtx
py-and-sty.dtx      sagetex.dtx

In the cloned repository (after extraction and doc recompilation) :

$ ls
CONTRIBUTORS          sagetex-extract.py     sagetexparse.py
example.tex           sagetex.glo            sagetex.pdf
HACKING.md            sagetex.gls            sagetex.py
LICENSE               sagetex.hd             sagetex-remote.py
Makefile              sagetex.idx            sagetex-run.py
py-and-sty.dtx        sagetex.ilg            sagetex.sagetex.sage
README.md             sagetex.ind            sagetex.sty
remote-sagetex.dtx    sagetex.ins            scripts.dtx
sagetex.aux           sagetex.log            setup.py
sagetex_doctest.sage  sagetex-makestatic.py  test.sh
sagetex.dtx           sagetex.out            TODO

The Pyton scripts are named differently.

More specifically, I had issues with the path_to_sage variable, thus set by 
the curent Sagemath version :

path_to_sage = os.path.expanduser('~/bin/sage')
# or try to auto-find it:
# path_to_sage = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'sage']).strip()
# or just tell me:
# path_to_sage = '/usr/local/bin/sage'

This didn’t work for me (the path_to_sage = 
subprocess.check_output(['which', 'sage']).strip() was OK).

This became totally different in the Github version.

I suppose that’s why the Github version has not (yet) been installed in the 
Sagemath release. Hence a couple question :

   Is this version ready for use ?
   Can it replace the current version ?
   If so, how to install it ? (by `sage -pip install , I suppose…)
Advice ?

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