I have some quite small graphs which are polyhedral, each is the 1-skeleton
of a (connected convex) polyhedron such as a cube, tetrahedron, etc,
constructed from a list of edge pairs.

I can get the faces of one of these, say G, via G.faces().  This returns a
list of lists of vertices, each one being a list of the vertices of one
face in some cyclic order.  So each face in the list has an implied
orientation.  OK so far.

What I want is for the orientations of the different faces to be coherent,
coming from a single orientation of the surface.  Expliticly that means
that each edge xy, which  will appear in exactly two faces, appears once in
each direction, i.e. x before y (cyclically) in one and the other way round
in the other.

It is possible that G.faces() is already returning such a globally oriented
list of faces, as experimentation suggests, but I need to be certain --
otherwise I can write code to check and if necessary reverse some faces.  I
would prefer not to have to though.

The docstrong of G.faces() does not make this clear (at least not to me).

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