Hi Ashley, At last!

"in responce to your questions.. i am at home in saligao :-P i'm languishing at home most of the time, or out with friends taking in nature,"

Yeh yeh, thanks for the answers. & yeh I got the picture. If you are not out with your friends communing with nature, you are "languishing" at home? Jeez - oops. No further comment.

"NOT working much as the govt has taken away lots of bussiness from us computer vendors.. am just glad the congress is in power and not the bjp now."

I'm glad for you then that Congress is in - hope you get your livelihood back in full force.

"and no u dint miss the fox's nite, accoring to sources, the dance has been postponed this year to be held in december."

Now that's news, great news!

"this was due to the sound ban in force last month for the feast. but the dance will be held in december."

Sound Ban? What Sound Ban? Are you going to elaborate on that? Sound Ban for whole of Goa or only Saligao?

Hey you guys, wish you would give us such news over the net, why do we have to get it out of you by asking all these questions?

Ashley, please dont languish, just type instead, you'll feel good providing a service to your fellow Netters & human beings. I for one would appreciate it !

By the way, who celebrated the May Feast this year? I mean who was the President?

On a different note - not to do with Saligao... anyone knows any of the band members of the "ARCHIES" from Goa. They will be playing at the May Queen Ball in Qatar tonight. Wowow - they must be a good group to be brought all the way to Qatar to play at a show at which Bollywood star Aftab Shivdansani (hope I got the spelling right) is chief guest. Entrance tickets are priced quite high.

Take care
Ta ra

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