>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu May 27 14:12:19 2004

Hi Fred,

This msg. of mine sent on 24th inst. has not come thro on the saligaonet.
hence forwarding the same to you for the needful.Thanks. Daniel.

----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel F. De Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: [saligaonet] Saligao in the limelight

The purpose behind my posting the news of Fr. FReddy's tragic death in a
road accident on the Saligao besides the Goanet and other mailing lists, was
because he was closely asscoiated with our village in the late seventies and
early eighties.  He has preached at every chapel in our village and as also
in the church. He was a much sought after preacher for his enlightening
sermons. Saligao's famed mando group "Saligaochim Mannkam" was which won
laurels at the all Goa Mando festival was his brain child too. Besides,
several of his konkani dramas had many a Saligaoite performing the main

It is quite painful,  that with the exception of Albert, Annette, and a few
personal mails to me from Ivy, Leao none of the Saligao netters thought it
as a gesture of courtesy to express a few words of condolence for this great
soul who did so much for our village while he was at the seminary. Perhaps
there will be many netters who have at some time or the other during their
tenure in Saligao have had a close rapport with this multifaceted preist. He
may have certainly provided a platform to some to display their God given
talents either on stage or literary field or otherwise. There are many
priests whom we come across in our day to life, but, there are just a
handful, who go beyond the call of duty, Fr. Freddy belonged to the latter

As for me I have always stated that if at all I went on to pick up the pen
and express myself fluently in konkani literature, it was soley because of
Fr. Freddy Da Costa who provided me with all encouragement and guidance in
contributing to his prestigious monthly magazine GULAB and newspaper GOENCHO
AVAZ for the last 18 years.

Where have we lost our human sensibilites and compassion ??

May his sould rest in eternal peace.

BTW on Saturday (22nd) I was on a brief visit to Saligao, and while driving
from Mapusa at Canca I spotted Naguesh R. Naik riding home on his two
wheeler. I overtook him near the 'Undracho Mand' Canca, and signalled to him
stop. He failed to recognise me at first, but, after i took off my sun
glasses he could put a name to my face. I met him almost after a decade and
a half. I congratulated him on winning the first prize at the Mango
exhibition. Those of you who have been away from Salaigao for too long,
Naguesh was the Sarpanch of Saligao for one term and Fr. Nascimento informs
me that we was working for the Nirmala B.Ed Institute at "Altinho Panjim. He
is a resident of Grande Morodd.

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