Hi Leo: Please follow the rules that Majordomo (the mailing list software) enforces: 
(i) trim the original messages, so that your posting doesn't bounce due to excessive 
length (ii) if you're sending in a lengthy posting above 6K or so, it might be better 
to break it down into parts (iii) make sure you're posting from an address which is 
subscribed to Saligaonet (iv) please post in plaintext, as HTML and MIME tend to 
exceed the maximum posting limits (v) avoid words like s u b s c r i b e (or other a d 
m i n i s t r a t i v e) words, to ensure that your message is not taken to be a tech 

If you follow this, your posts should go through.

If it bounces, it ends up with the 500 or so email messages (including mailing-list 
messages, and a lot of spam) which come into my inbox. It will probably be deleted 
without being read. I'm sorry, but that's how it is; or else I would be spending my 
entire life simply reading email (now it is 3-4 hours per day minimum). 

For some reason, if you have a problem in being unable to send thru a message, just 
post it to me with a bold (PREFERABLY ALL CAPS) subjectline, that will draw my 
attention early. I'll forward it as soon as possible. 

Apologies for the inconvenience. Please try to appreciate the limitations we're 
working with. FN

> From: Lećo Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello folks,
> I have not only sent mails regarding Fr. Freddy Costa whom I hold and will continue 
> to hold in great estimation, but have also sent mails to the SaligaoNet. Please 
> could you please ask the administrator to check and correct this problem, as like me 
> there must be other people spending their time in writing also, without being able 
> to communicate which is very frustrating.

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