Dear friends
I had given my valuable suggestion as how to get rid of unemployment by forming
a co operative society of all field owners and start horticulture, vegetables,
along with different types of rice including basmati rice but I am surprised
that not one member of the saligaonet said anything about the same. We the
saligaokars should first learn the dignity of labour and should try to stand on
our own feet instead of grumbling that the government is not giving the learned
youth of today jobs. we do not know how to work what is the use of getting a
job ? The man you see bringing bread to you, now he might not be coming to you
on cycle but once upon a time he used to come on cycle selling bread he is the
man who was struggling in one diamond factory and that too his job was not
secured one. He is a BCOM graduate. I do not want to name him as he may not
like it but I take my hat off to him and today he is the owner of a big
building, big car and a big bank account. all because he knew how to work and
did not feel that being a graduate he should not go about selling bread. Today
many of our youth will not take to this sort of a job but would like to sit in
one of the government offices which is a dream and this dream they will
cheerish for years together till their hair will turn grey. 

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