Hi Rico

Well at least my explanation & your answer on the net led to Saligaonet being still alive - he he!

We can ask Francis D'Souza's wife Claudelle to keep us informed with the plans for the Saligao fete later this month. Over to you Claudelle.

Oh this will be good, at least we'll know what's going on. Dont recall having such an event before. Usual were the stalls of toys & kaddioboddios for the May Feast. I do recall having some quiz event over the festive season one year, oh so long ago. So kuddos to all. All the best & I wish the event & organizers & helpers every success!! Claudelle? Francis D'Souza? Is this the football player - Newton's brother? Gosh, too many D'Souzas around, dont know who we are talking about do we?

Rico, or Yvonne (Hazel's cousin) if you know Hazel's parents tel.no. would you please send it to me via personal email? Any news of Ayesha? Hope she is improving slowly but surely! We keep her in our prayers.

Guess you all are having a nice weekend whilst we sit at our desks....another 2 hours to get home & then to Church.


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