Cambridge Fellowship for Sacred Heart (Santa Cruz) Parishioner

Valentine de Souza, Editor of the Express Computer weekly newsmagazine, and 
a parishioner of Sacred Heart (Santa Cruz) has been awarded the prestigious 
Wolfson College Press Fellowship for 2004-05. He will shortly be leaving for 
Cambridge, UK, where he will pursue a research project on the “Role of the 
Media in Bridging the Digital Divide”. The Fellowship was awarded under the 
Chevening Scholarship scheme of the British Council.

The term Digital Divide refers to the gap that exists between people who can 
afford and are capable of using modern information technology (including 
computers and the Internet), and those who are unable to do so because they 
lack sufficient finance and/or education. The field of Information and 
Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D) studies this phenomenon, 
and millions of dollars are spent every year on projects attempting to 
bridge the digital divide and bring the benefits of the information 
technology revolution to the “have-nots”.

Through his research, Valentine de Souza is endeavouring to prepare a 
blueprint for a website or journal or nodal agency that will serve as a 
central repository for information on all ICT4D projects worldwide and track 
their progress.

Mr de Souza had earlier been awarded the Madhu Valluri Memorial Foundation 
‘IT Journalist of the Year’ award for 2002.

Frederick Noronha         784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist      TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
fred at

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