Please bring this to the attention of students whom you feel could benefit. St Martha's College of Nursing at Bangalore offers reputed training courses in nursing, and young girls can surely earn a useful profession for life if they take advantage of this possibility.

        St Martha's has just put out adverts inviting applications
        from women candidates with 10+2 education (Physics, Chemistry
        and Biology) for admission to their B Sc (Nursing) degree
        four year course, and their diploma in general nursing and
        midwifery 3-1/2 year course.

Courses for 2005-2006 start on September 1, 2005. Application forms can be obtained from the College Office, College of Nursing, St Martha's Hospital, Bangalore 560001 from May 2 to June 10, 2005 on payment of Rs 300 for the degree course and Rs 150 for the diploma course.

I know at least five girls from Saligao (including Muriel of M&M fame) who studied in this institution in the 'sixties after they learnt of the possibilities it offered. My mother studied there in the 'fifties too. -FN

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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