In v4 the FTP upload is completely rewritten (or better is a new component from another company).
We know that in 3.3 some people have had problems with the FTP upload locking up, unfortunatly we have never been able to reproduce/see the problem.  And what's even worse the company that made the component for the FTP upload doesn't react to any requess anymore (although the are still officialy in business and selling that FTP component).


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of doubleu
Sent: Fri Jan 10 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: [SA-list] ServersAlive "locking up"

ok, it finally did it again, and in the status bar it's attempting to upload the status web page.  I'll disable the web page upload and see if it does it again.

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