> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Buckland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:17 PM
> Subject: [SA-list] Linux monitoring
> Hi
> I'm new to the list, so this may have been covered before.
> I'm looking for tips on using SA to add our new Linux 
> application servers 
> to the list.
> SA has been great for Windows and Citrix servers so we'd like 
> to continue 
> with one tool. We're pinging the Linux servers but thats 
> really not that 
> useful as the servers never go down. (ever! - what a contrast 
> from Win) But 
> we do sometimes have trouble with Java and the apps services.
> We could check the app login pages are available (URL) but I 
> was wondering 
> if anyone has anything a bit fancier to suggest.

One quick and dirty way is to use an external check.  It could rsh to the
linux box, run remote checks via scripts and the such, then return.  The
external check can determine the results and exit with the appropriate error
level.  Note, allowing the rsh is a security risk, using ssh with private
keys would accomplish the same thing but, without using username+password
combinations will lower the level of security.  You can program perl to
connect using Net::SSH and obfuscate the perl code using Bleach or the likes
(perl can even be "compiled"...) Using involved methods of setting string
variables like unpacking hex values helps to minimize other's ability to
"strings" a compiled binary and discover the plaintext username and
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