Ah, I see. I also see that after changing into maintenance mode, I can do a
Force Update and it'll update the web data. Simply refreshing right away
after changing modes simply doesn't do the trick unless SAlive does it's
check in between.

Thanks for this great software, Mark!


> Just use the automatic refresh option that's already there in 
> the options.
> Richard's right.  SAWeb is dependant on SA to let it know 
> that an entry has
> changed status, and SA doesn't show that in the telnet 
> interface until it's
> gone through another cycle.
> >
> > Put this:
> >
> > <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="120">
> >
> > in the header portion of your webpage template and it'll 
> refresh every
> > 120 seconds.
> >
> > Kevin
> >
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