Can you advise if this is achievable :
We have four staff members wanting to receive alerts from Servers Alive.
Staff 1 & 2 want to receive MSN alerts between 8am & 10pm everyday.
Staff 1 wants to receive SMS alerts between 8am & 9am, plus 6pm & 10pm every day
Staff 2,3 & 4 want to receive SMS alerts between 8am & 9am, plus 6pm & 10pm only when 
"on call" which is typically 1 week out of four.
My problem is that when I've enabled the on call rota for Staff 2,3,4 to reflect the 
weeks they are on call, Staff member 2 will not receive MSN alerts. I think 
effectively I want the "On Call" schedule to only be effective outside of normal 
working hours.
any thoughts ?
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