Title: RE: [SA-list] Cisco question

There is another possible issue with what you are trying to accomplish.

If . reports that there are x interfaces, it does not necessarily mean that the interfaces are numbered from 1-x.

For example, I have a 7609 that reports 199 interfaces. However, the interfaces are from 1-139, 143-145, 147-151, 153-197 & 199-205.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dirk Bulinckx
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 12:00 PM
To: salive@woodstone.nu
Subject: [SA-list] Cisco question

A question for the Cisco guru's on the list :-)

Is the below info correct for 'all' cisco routers?

        . give the number of interfaces

        .  gives the description of the different interface (x max of number of interfaces)

        . gives the desired state of the interface

        . gives the operational state of the interface

Based on this is it correct that


        . <> .


                interface is not in the state it should be?

From what I can see this seems correct for a 2501 and 4500, but I wonder if this is correct for other IOS based routers (like a 3725)


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