For some time the MSN alert didn't work anymore and this due to a sudden change on the MSN servers of Microsoft. Basicly what happened was that they stopped support for the MSN v8 protocol. And since the protocols are not officialy documented it was not easy to get it to work again. Still we have incorporated a new (temporary) sender that uses the MSN v15 protocol. (why temporary -> this is just a question of architecture within the component we're currently using, this will be changed in 2 to 3 weeks if all goes well).
The updated version can be found on Dirk Bulinckx. To unsubscribe send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE as subject to If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office messages), then make sure that they are not send to the list nor to the individual members of the list that send a message. Doing this will get you removed from the list.