FYI we write all entries up/down/maintenance to a database.  The we query the 
database for a status change.   Therefore if the entry was down when servers 
alive quit and up when it came back our report would show the down time 
(inaccurately of course) as reported by servers alive between the down and next 
up entry.  

We archive the data on a time schedule (weekly I think).   Then we enter only 
status change entries (up after down, up after maintenance, etc) and all down 
cycles.     This allows accountability as to why it was down and how long.  We 
would of course see that it was down at 2 am one day (servers alive was shut 
down at 2:01am) and back up at 7am that morning with no down entries in between 
we would know that for some reason SA was down but not necessarily the check.   

This is mostly hypothetical since SA runs as a service that is monitored by 
another SA instance.   SA is not usually down for very long at all except 
during server reboots where it misses 15 minutes or so.   

Jason Passow
Mississippi Welders Supply
ph: (507) 494-5178
fax: (507) 454-8104


From: Brett Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 09:40:55 -0500
Subject: Re: [SA-list] Servers Alive and reporting

One report we've been struggling with for the last couple years is an activity 
report.  We'd like to see a report that shows outages detected by Servers Alive 
in the past 7 days.  This report would show the check name, when the check went 
down, when it came back up and the duration.  Any checks down when the report 
is run would show as 'Currently Down'.  
For example: 
Check Name     Down At               Up At                    Outage Duration 
LDAP Server     27-Aug 4:06 PM    27-Aug 4:32 PM     26 Minutes 
Service A         29-Aug 3:10 AM    Currently Down      5 Hours 17 Minutes 
Our biggest issue is problems with accuracy that result when Servers Alive is 
restarted - a check that was down before Servers Alive was shut down and was up 
when Servers Alive started again is not detected as a status change, and no 
database record showing the transition exists. 
Brett Hanson 
Systems Analyst 

>>> "Dirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])> 8/29/2008 3:50 AM >>>
One of the often returning question on Servers Alive is if it can do reporting.
We always point to the HTML template based output and to the DB logging (using a
3rd party report writer).  Still it seems that this is not what people are
looking for.

That's why we would like you to help us with some brainstorming around that
reporting feature.

I'll start by giving my own idea on it.
* it's based on the HTML template based output
* it can be set to be executed (generated) once a day and you can select
what "entries" go on it
* you can ofcourse have several output's and for several sets of entries
* additional parameters are needed like
% up cycles
% down cycles
% maintenance cycles
and this per DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR
with "easy" access to the current (day/week/...) and the previous
(day/week/...) and also access to other days/weeks/months/year. 

<sa_stats_up_week{pervious}%>gives the up% of the previous
<sa_stats_up_week082008%>gives the up% of week 8 of 2008
<sa_stats_down_month082008%>gives the up% of month 8 of 2008

All ideas/comments/additions are MORE THEN WELCOME

Dirk Bulinckx.

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