* Dirk, 
Not really along the same lines, but I'll treat this an a good example of the 
"Escalation Plan" concept we discussed a few weeks ago.  The ability to greatly 
streamline the management of alerts by minimizing the places they are 
configured and allowing their "reuse". 
(still trying to push my idea through....)   (grin) 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:sal...@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of 
Mark Seniow
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 1:46 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] A victim of your own success



Many of us have been using SA for years and love it.  With each new release you 
provide additional functionality that allows us to start scanning more and more 
devices/services/conditions than ever before.  BUT, now that we have all these 
options we tend to use them and this leads to issues of management. 


May I humbly suggest that, if not already there, you have mass device 
update/change management on the roadmap for future SA versions.  This way, as 
we (crazy and creative users) find new ways of scanning many, many more (new 
and exciting) endpoints that there are some tools that allow us to easily 
change those properties efficiently. 


Thanks in advance. 


... your humble, and happy SA user, Mark 

Mark Seniow - mark at smsolutions dot com 
S.M. Internet Solutions Inc.
Richmond Hill, ON 905-770-4481


Message Authentication: Sent: 13:39:47 Fri 12 Dec 2008, Attachments: 0 (0 
From: Mark Seniow @ smsolutions.com, To: salive@woodstone.nu 


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