According to the archives, you were willing to add Disk Space checks into the 
VMWare com tool.  Were you ever able to do that?  If not, are you still 
We would really like to find a way to use SA to alarm on the space used by ESX 
host servers.  It's not the free disk space that is seen by the guest operating 
systems, its the total free space of the storage volume in which the guest 
"virtual drive files" exist.  It can only be checked through VMKFStools as 
follows: /usr/sbin/vmkfstools -P /vmfs/volumes/put-volume-name-here 
This will return (among other things) the capacity and free space as a count of 
Command entered:   
vmkfstools -P "/vmfs/volumes/Volume 2" 
Output Generated:
VMFS-3.21 file system spanning 1 partitions.
File system label (if any): Volume 2
Mode: public
Capacity 321854111744 (306944 file blocks * 1048576), 74065117184 (70634 
blocks) avail
UUID: 478267d7-fdc18b54-7f26-001c23c45727
Partitions spanned (on "lvm"):
I really need to see the number 74065117184, ideally convertible to K, Meg or 
Any way to do this easily via SA? 


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