On the beta page we have the first version of Servers Alive that includes a
"remote client".  
This remote client (wsSARC) is currently nothing more then the TRAY ICON of
Servers Alive that you can install on a (remote) system and see the status of
Servers Alive.  In the near future we will ofcourse extend the functionality of
this remote client.

The communication between wsSARC and Servers Alive is done via an SSH-alike
protocol, by default on port 43210. Within Servers Alive you have to define what
PERSON is allowed to connect (the username/password is needed for wsSARC's
authentication towards Servers Alive).  Also within Servers Alive you will have
to define what IPs (singel or ranges) are allowed/disallowed to connect.

Currently the setup of wsSARC is part of the Servers Alive installation.  Once
we have more features in it we will also provide a separate installation file
for wsSARC.

wsSARC will allow you to run Servers Alive as service (without desktop
interaction) and still have the icon when you login to that system as a user.
This is a new step towards Windows 2008 compatibility!

As always the beta can be found on http://beta.woodstone.nu and all feedback is
ofcourse more then welcome!


(ps sorry for the resend, the mailing list did something weird with the initial
message and some/most of you didn't even receive the 1st mail)

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If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office messages), make sure that 
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