Hi All,


I’m having issues with SA sending emails for alerts.  I’ve tried routing 
through my yahoo account and sending directly.  I’ve only really been 
successful sending to my company email address. 


I’d really want to send to our phones at Verizon, AT&T and Sprint.  I can 
manually send emails to the phones from other email apps, but when I do the 
test from SA I don’t know where it goes. 


Does the email not work in the unlicensed version?  I have a licensed version 
at the data center monitoring everything, and an unlicensed version in a remote 
site monitoring the essentials just in case the data center loses connectivity. 








Jim Kabage
Technology Services

BoldFocus, Inc.
1900 South Norfolk Street,
Suite 350
San Mateo, CA 94403
Tel: 650-212-2653 ext.715
Fax: 650-212-2654
www.boldfocus.com (http://www.boldfocus.com) 



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