>> One feature I would really use is the ability to search within the tree to 
>> quickly locate an item.  Find, Find next match.  

Hit F3 or just start typing.

>> In terms of reporting, it would be wonderful to offer sliced views of the 
>> data on separate URLs …

This can be done by creating a second (third, etc..) Output HTML template.

See Setup : Output/HTML page/Default page, [Add]





From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On Behalf Of 
Ann Lynnworth
Sent: maandag 6 oktober 2014 10:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: Re: [SA-list] The nexy version(s)....your vision


One feature I would really use is the ability to search within the tree to 
quickly locate an item.  Find, Find next match.  

In terms of reporting, it would be wonderful to offer sliced views of the data 
on separate URLs. For example, say I monitor 50 things but I have one customer 
interested in watching just 15 of them, and s/he has no business looking at the 
other items.  It would be nice to show that person the status report for those 
selected 15 items.   It doesn't have to be high security with login, it could 
just be unique URLs reporting on a set of checks. 


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