What do you mean with "custom SQL"?
And why external and not internal?


On 2015-05-05 11:15, Lau Daniels wrote:
> Dirk,
> It no problem for me to remove the old checks, we use sql 2008/2014
> An external com is preferable, with some configurable settings
> (database/username/passwd/custom sql check).
> Regards,
> Lau
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:salive@woodstone.nu] On
> Behalf Of dirk
> Sent: dinsdag 5 mei 2015 10:35
> To: Servers Alive Discussion List
> Subject: [SA-list] SQL server checks
> For some time we have a SQL server check in Servers Alive.  This check
> is based on SQL DMO, and only works with realy old version of SQL.
> For newer versions of SQL we have the add-on, however not for the
> newest version of SQL.
> There are some questions surrounding that.
>       * what version(s) of SQL are you using (and want to check)
>       * do you see it as a problem if the 'support' for those old versions
> of SQL (upto SQL2000) would be removed from Servers Alive
>       * do you prefer it to be a build-in check (like the current SQL DMO
> based one) or do you prefer an external COM check for it
> --
> Dirk Bulinckx
> Servers Alive - http://www.woodstone.nu
> DNS Hosting on StellarDNS - http://www.stellardns.com
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Dirk Bulinckx
Servers Alive - http://www.woodstone.nu
DNS Hosting on StellarDNS - http://www.stellardns.com

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