> It looks like ATOM is internal inteface. Nobody wants to explain
> details to me...

Hokay, the ATOM is an internal IDE interface that connects to the second   
floppy connector.

If you have a 2.5" drive then the whole lot can be fitted (and powered)   
inside the case, if you have a standard size drive then you will have to   
dangle the ribbon cable out the back and power it from elsewhere.

> Do you have SAMBUS?

Nope, I have a three-port APE (Audio, Power & Expansion IIRC) which holds   
my Comms IF and my Meg.

I also have a clock to fit but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

> > Did I mention that I have an ATOM with a 1.2Gb Disc in it? :-)
> It is called "gigalomania". ;-)
> Do you use BSDOS with 1500 RECORDs???

Oh yes :-)


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