First, this is said with the full knowledge of Colin MacDonald,

FRED is now run by George Boyle, and from the start George has had countless
problems, what with the FRED stuff going to Alan Clarkeson first, then via him
to George, and still not all of the material relating to FRED has reached

According to Colin the ownership of FRED is still with Darren Wileman, if this
is the case then Colin can not ask if anyone wants to take over, and Darren
has already quoted George as the new owner, and if this is so then the only
one who can ask this question would be Darren himself.

George does not have the privilage of E-mail, and did not know that Colin
MacDonald had posted his statement to the mailing list, I have been in touch
with George who is not, to say the least happy with the statement by Colin

When George took over the running of FRED he was given a number of uncashed
cheques totaling £110.00, the first issue of FRED magazine (82) that George
produced cost a total of £200, now as you can see from the begining George has
started in the RED.

This by the way, was done by George and George alone, not one of the old FRED
team has helped George in any way, so it is supprising that an issue ever

There are a number of people that subscribed to FRED magazine upto and
including issue 92! Where I ask is the money from these subscribers? George
estimates that around £1000,00 is unacounted for, Colin say`s that when a
business changes hands money does not have to also, this may be the case
regarding commercial software, but not the money recieved by the former owners
regarding subscriptions (as this is an ongoing thing), and should in all
honesty be passed on.

When I took over Phoenix Software Systems from David Ledbury it was agreed
that any money owed for any reason would be paid by David to me, this
agreement has been fully upheld, I hope that in the future George can make a
similar statement (but looking at the amount of money missing I doubt it).

There have been statements in a SAM magazine that they have been doing all
they can to help in the transition of FRED to its new owners, George has asked
me to say that he has never recieved any help from anyone, and if anyone wants
to contact him they can phone or write.

The address to write to is:

LS22 6PN.

M.D.L.M (PERSONA) The users choice!

PS. The northern SAM & SPECCY SHOW will be held in NORWICH, nr BOLTON on the
28th NOVEMBER, Booking forms can be obtained from the above address.

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