
I don't want to be responsible for vapourware so I'm not making any
promises here...BUT:

Would anybody be interested in a game for the SAM (possibly even the
Speccy) called "Palmyra"?  

The game is based on the board game by the same name (and you've probably
never heard of it because practically no-one has!).  But it's about buying
and selling stocks of three commodities based on limited information about
how the prices are going to change.  Basically, it's a stocks and shares
game - not terribly exciting and action packed but playable.

The reason I ask is that this is currently my final year degree project.
I'm supposed to implement this in Modula-2 on the PC and then spend large
amounts of time creating an AI computer player (this being the main focus
of the project).  At the time of writing, the basic PC deliverable (human
players only) is nearing completion and I reckon it shouldn't be too
difficult to implement on the SAM in machine code since I'll have all the
design documentation.

It's not the most exciting game in the world and the hypothetical release
date would probably be some time after my finals (although I may do some
work on it over Christmas) but I just wondered - is there any interest out
there?  I reckon the AI could be implemented to some degree as well.


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