> Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 1998 12:15 AM
> Subject:      Re: Christmas Present from Sad Snail Productions.reply
        > How about a Chrissy present from PERSONA!
        > We have a brand spanking new game for the SAM! written by Chris
Pile of
        > Digital Reality, `DEFENDER` this is a pixel pefect conversion of
the Arcade
        > classic, plus on the disk are two other games from Digital Reality
free, just
        > like all good sale`s talk, "buy one, get two free!"
        > Only £7.00.
        > Go on buy it!, and make Christmas for Chris!
        > Persona will have some GOOD news for you all next week, stay
        > M.D.L.M

        Defender on the SAM!!!!!!! Wooooohoooooo!!!!!!! I knew it was
coming, but well, it's here now, so wahey! Shame I wouldn't get it in time
for Christmas. Oh well, expect cheque in the post soon Malcolm. Please tell
me it saves high scores to disk...please...


Gavin Smith
IMDB Support
ESN 3844
External (01232)363844

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