Well as far as i remember the tape version didn`t use headers apart from the
basic file,so i really don`t know how i would get it into sim-coupe(dos
vesion).I take it sim-coupe doesn`t support tap files or something like
that,that i can use to put tape files onto disk and i really dont fancy
buying the disk version if i can help it as i`ve already got the tape.
                 Peter Harkess
-----Original Message-----
Date: 08 January 1999 01:06
Subject: Re: sim-coupe

>in a good-natured way, this is just a plug.
>but i don't think the original post said he was trying to do anything
>illegal, just run his own tape copy of DoE thru simcoupe.
>Hey, there's a thought. I know a lot of Enigma Variations games used
>protection for their disk games, but what about their cassettes? I mean,
>if the cassette isn't just a load of easily-loaded normal files, be they
>T112 or T70 or whatever, then my utility won't be able to convert them
>Hmm...I forget - does simcoupe handle directly reading the floppy drive?
>>Of course, if you want a copy of DOE ... then the title is available
>>*legally* from Persona.... for not a lot of dosh!

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