>At 6:38 pm +0000 12/1/99, Malcolm Mackenzie wrote:
>>I was asked in one mailing about `KABOOM!` and if I had any idea when 
>>ever it would be released.
>>I answered by saying that I had spoken to wayne Coles, he told me that 
>>soon as he had finished the project he was working on he would finish
>>`KABOOM!` and that this would be around March/April .
>>After that I got told off for not editing my mail properly by Ian 
>Yes, I know. We read it too.
>Your point?

If it's just the disk protection that's needed, couldn't Chris and I 
just bang together a revamped version of the Lemmings/Parallax 
protection, and then it could be distributed with E-Copy which a few 
publishers have?


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