>At 9:07 pm +0000 14/1/99, Simon Cooke wrote:
>>Also, it doesn't matter *WHAT* protection you put on it, E-Copy will
>>copy it. There's NO foolproof way to stop someone from copying it.
>>Otherwise, the computer wouldn't be able to read it, would it?
>Precisely true. And of all the sam-users capable of reverse-engineering 
>protection routine and don't have E-Copy, how many of us do you think 
>really be bothered? I'd already have written an equivalent of E-Copy
>myself, if I'd ever thought it would be a productive way to spend my 

Indeed. After all, E-Copy was only written in the first place as a way 
to allow FRED Publishing to distribute Parallax (and for me to format 
the disks so that I could get Parallax on the disk in the first place). 
Version 2 was written by Chris for Lemmings.



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