Hello SAM Coupe users I have been watching this maillist for some weeks now and I must say I´m impressed of how much it is being used.... I can see by the writers to the list that it is all who has been with SAM Coupe from the very beginning.... nice :-)
I have by now a couple of Qs wich I hope you specialists can help me with..... I own the SAM 512K dual-drive, 1M RAM, serial/centronics interface, Two-Up, Mouse, SD software IDE hard drive interface+Conner 203Mb drive....... and a lot of software / games. E-tracker, SoundMachine, SAMpaint, PIPEMANIA, Lemming 1+2, Coupe "windows" +Extras disk, SAM C.....+more!! Been supported FRED disk and FORMAT magazine until 1 year ago.... All on user level!! No programming!! The Q is: the DOS for the SD interface is not working (never has), I read in FORMAT magazine that the source code has been lost and will need to be rewritten.... Sh..!! Will BDOS work with the SD IDE interface?? Or should I take a download and just try it out?? I´ve seen the quote "SAM in a pc case, up and running" somewhere in FORMAT, in an artikel from a Glouster Show some time ago. Since then I´ve been looking for a pc case for my SAM. My idea is SAM in pc case with all interfaces connected at the same time and with a pc keyboard. Is there any (easy) way to connect a pc keyboard to SAM?? There must be some kind of multiplex/demultiplex as the scanning of the keyboard is on the SAM board and pc keyboard is connected with a DIN..!! Any ideas?? Sincerly Peder Laustsen Denmark [EMAIL PROTECTED]