There are probably more emulators that support TAP files, especially when
TAP is the standard.

One of them is my "TAP Emulator" for Sam made in spring 1995.
It was a question of 1 hour.
I've made also automatic tape-to-TAP cenverter which makes standard TAP

I didn't mentioned this since I though that Sam people are no more
interested in emulating Spectrum (since they are just emulating Sam on PC :)

If somebody wish, I can discuss the folowing topics:

1. zx printer or just a printer
2. whole sam keyboard
3. automatic tape-to-TAP converter
4. tape-on-disk (incl. multiload games)
5. ZXS 128 (AY-3-8910) music
6. ZXS 128
7. making and using SNA, Z80 and other snap files
maybe something more...

Aley [eili] Keprt - student, programmer (multimedia soft. etc.)
                    phone: +420-68-538 70 35
     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***

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