----- Original Message -----
From: Stuart Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: 1. Ĩervence 1999 17:45
Subject: Re: New: SimCoupe 0.783a

> Nick Humphries wrote:
> >Well, you could make installation a hell of a lot easier by not asking
> >the user to find and install various external programs before you can
> >get SimCoupe running. It's bad enough that you have to find, download
> >and install the sound chip driver. IMHO everything should be in a
> >single install set, and ideally as a single program.
> You can read gz files with zlib if you want to do it internally -- it's
> sort of what it's for, really...
> >I disagree. It depends who you aim the emulator at. If you're going for
> >regular emulation fan, then most of them would only recognise .ZIP files
> >self-extracting EXEs. Any other type of compression (gzip, lha, arc,
> >would require a more techie type of person who'd know about these less
> >(in PC-land) compressors.
> WinZip can handle gz files, and I think Zip Magic can, too. Right-click
> and choose the extract option... hardly rocket science, is it? Zlib can
> be used on Win32, DOS, a lot of UNIX systems, and probablly MacOS. I
> *really* hope you're not thinking of placing sam disks in *DOS*
> executables... that's just completely insane.

> Also, I *really* hate to have to point this out, but zip's method is the
> *same* as gzip's... The difference is that gzip compresses a single
> file, which is all you need. Zip files would have the complication of
> extracting the dsk or sad file from the archive. If there's more than
> one file, which one do you use? Gzip is better for single files. End of
> story. Please try to read some documentation on the subject.

Most of the current Sam-related stuff at NVG and other servers is ZIPped
So I preffer this way. Maybe we can include support for gzip and zip, but
only means longer code.
Since GZIP is not able to pack more files together, I consider ZIP better.
Imagine you have one ZIP with all Fred issues, and when you run it, emulator
askes you what volume to you want.
ZIP files can contain "file_id.diz" or other description .txt file.
This is not possible when using gzip. (I think.)

> What's wrong with zlib? Why the hell would people want to write
> something new when gz is better and is easier to implement?
> --
> Stuart Brady

We have ZIP sources as well, and ZIP can pack multiple files.
That's positive, isn't it?

Aley [eili] Keprt - student, programmer (multimedia soft. etc.)
                    phone: +420-68-538 70 35
     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***  http://get.to/aley

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