Nick Humphries wrote:

>PCs don't have gzip by default.

PCs? You mean *WINDOWS*, don't you? If you buy a Lintel box, you *do*
get gzip, along with zip. Windows doesn't come with any real compression
tools -- You can't even use *cabs* properly. How MS can consider a web
browser an "essential" part of the OS and fail to write a zip program...
<roflol at MS>

>What's wrong with writing a custom compression
>routine which is portable between the various platforms?

What??? IIRC, gzip has been ported to most OSs, and gz is even supported
by WinZip. Zlib also works on a wide range of platforms, which makes gz
support *really* easy to write. I get the feeling that gzip-style
compression *might* just be the most commonly used method, somehow. It's
also supposed to be really easy to use.

Ever used pk or winzip? Hmm...
Stuart Brady

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