I'll tell you why I left.
To be perfectly honest, these days I'm that knackered due to work (you know youself I've tyically gotten back home from 8pm onwards) that basically I've no
energy for concentrating on SAM work. I mean, let's face it, who really needs any
effort for using a PC? With SAM u need too much effort at that sort of state - you just cant be arsed.
I've not lost interest in SAM myself, I'm still a great fan of the little bugger - and I've put too much effort and time into it to pack it all in completely. But I cant spend what time I have got devoted entirely to it.
Which is one of the reasons I left the list - just too much innane crap which has bugger all to do with SAM, too many people who are too ready to jump in with snidey attitudes with no reason.
As for Persona - goodness knows what's going on at the moment. But if I dont hear anything from Duncan in the next munf - I'll post Blitz up on the net myself... and as for some of the other coders who have done stuff for Persona - I'll see what they want to do. I dont want to see their work wasted.
Anyway, best of luck on the new list... I'll be one of the first on it!

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