On Sat, Aug 15, 1998 at 09:04:50PM +0100, David L wrote:
>  Which is one of the reasons I left the list - just too much innane crap
[>]which has bugger all to do with SAM, too many people who are too ready to
[>]jump in with snidey attitudes with no reason.

A general observation: this is not a high volume list - 1200 messages since
March making an average of 8.4 per day (or 20kB per day).  If anyone here
doesn't like irrelevant postings then press your 'delete' button - it won't
wear out if you only have to press it 8 times a day.  If *everyone* here
didn't like irrelevant postings then there wouldn't be any because no one
would post them!

If Colin succeeds in his venture then all he is going to do is remove Sam
content from this list, making it even more full of irrelevant postings.

> Anyway, best of luck on the new list... I'll be one of the first on it!

I hope you and Colin have a nice chat together... (o:


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