On 21 Aug 99, at 0:23, Andrew Collier wrote:

> At 5:59 pm +0100 20/8/99, Johnna Teare wrote:
> >>From what I remember, The Bulgulators and Dyzonium were
> >released as shareware anyway, when Lemmings went overdue.
> >Certainly all those who had paid for Lemmings but had not yet
> >received it got a disk with lemmings demo on and those two games
> Really??
> I certainly didn't get that, and I'm fairly sure I remember paying in
> advance for Lemmings. Maybe my memory's playing tricks on me though, and I
> did already have those two games...
> Andrew

Yep - just checked it. I got it through the post just before Christmas 
- it had a demo of Lemmings (the one with the tree 
on...screenshots were in YS) and both games and a text file 
apologising for the delay but giving both games away.

The irony was, FRED kept selling the games at full price for about 
six months afterwards!
> --
>  --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
>   --      http://mnemotech.ucam.org      --       .sig is a
>    -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file
>                                      --

Peace, Love and Kisses,
JohnnaPig Teare
"It won't get better but it might never get worse..."

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