re: FRED.
FRED was passed over to Darren Wileman, after which it was arranged that George 
Boyle would have it. Although it was only a verbal agreement and no contract 
was signed. Eventually a contract with Malcolm Mackenzie was signed, but he 
passed away shortly afterwards. At no point were any of the copyrights 
transferred (other than back to their original owners in some cases).

Which means.....?
I think it means everything has now reverted to me. I've been keeping loose 
communication with DavidL, but the recent rumours seem to rule him out as an 
option. The game is due to be finished in the next couple of months, and I may 
find the time to pick up the FRED mantle again myself....I'd need some 
assistance though....?

re: SAM's birthday.
Like everyone else, I'm not sure when Format will be back to its usual self, 
but if nothing else is organised, we should definitely arrange something for 
SAM's 10th birthday. Any ideas?

re: Late Lemmings
I seem to remember sending out semi-finished copies of Bulgulators and Dyzonium 
to people who hadn't already got them, and who had pre-ordered Lemmings or 
SAMPaint - the idea was that if people liked either one, they could buy them 
for a fiver....

re:Graham Goring
Cheer up you miserable get.


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