The mutant SAM - the Elite did have an Printer interface built in.

Malcolm's machcine had his Mouse i/f built into thecase - and I know a few
others who either had this or the Printer i/f built in.

The planned SAM Pro - kicked around a couple of months before SAM Co went
down by Adrian Parker & Alan Miles would have had this, the Kaliedescope,
and a few other neat ideas built in.... but thats another story!

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sam Usergroup <>
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 1999 11:23 AM

Hello Sam User Group.

( Please mister Im tryintg to br an honest Sam User. )

Hi.  ON SUBJECT..   But, Im not sure I can keep it up...   OHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Has anyone fitted their printer interface inside Sam. ( hard wired )

Alternatively, has anyone made up a cable to extend the interface beyond the
back of the Sam.

I am currently instaling Sam on a  computer desk with a pull out keyboard
shelf (draw ) and there is no room for a sticky out thing.  Any observations
on this one would be appreciated.


Why did'nt MGT put the bl***y thing inside instead of a whacking great lump
out the back.
I recon things like this put other maybe  Sam users off.

Also .. Please Mr Skillman, can the Simcoupe have a printer port.
Simcoupe works fine for me, although the disk ( A Drive ) option could be
worked on.

I'm still having trouble with the SimCoupe slowing down when I use the
graphical user interface.
Is it just my machine or has anybody else got this problem.

I would have to ask this question twice if another group was setup. ( think
again and don't take it all so seriously ). Life's too short for non

Come on now people.
I might be new here, but I've been with Sam since it made an appearance.
Give me a break.
Answer me.....

Bob Wilkinson. After a couple of whiskys or so on a very early Sunday
morning. (Some sod woke me up having a to-do with his ex-missus )


PS. Just cos my name's Bob, don't mean you should ignore me.. ( only joking
really ).

PPS. I,ve ( me and Mick Sleight ) obvioulsly missed a lot of what  has gone
on in the Sam scene, if someone would like to bring us up to date, we would
be most grateful. Do it direct and stay anonymous. ( did I spell that
right ) (anoneemouse ).. a reply will come in the same way..

I shouldn't send this realy,but sod it I will.....

By the way, Does anyone want to buy the bits  I put up here the uver day. 1
meg Mem+Sambus £40.00
I don't give a toss.  But if you want it , its here.

Bob Wilkinson. Feeling pretty good at the moment. Happy anyway, and I don't
care a sod.

PPPS, Are we allowed to tell jokes on here.  Iv'e got sum goodjuns.

Regards to all..

Bob W.    Notice the dubbleuu. !!!

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