From: Martin Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> David L wrote:
> >
> > > Ahh thats right :)...  Ahh.. the remeniscing :)....  Them were the
> > > days... (etc. etc.)...  Who'd have thought it'd still be affecting my
> > > vocabulary today..  No wonder people give me weird looks sometimes
> > > i say it.
> >
> > All I can say to that is Wibble!
> And another :)...  Hmm... It's quite amazing the effect this had on me
> as a child (and now it seems..).  I wonder how many new words they
> invented in their time..  Time for an investigation.

Just had another thought... fnar may have arrived at YS by way of Viz... or
it might have been the other way around. Not sure though...


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