Dave Whitmore wrote:
> Gavin,
> I'm having difficulty trying to understand the motivation behind a
> printed newsletter. There obviously isn't any money to be made (from
> what you are charging), and the only thing I can figure is that you're
> aiming to start an exclusive club of sorts. This isn't a swipe, btw, I
> just don't understand why people should bother with stamps and read
> stuff on paper these days.
> Dave

What makes it exclusive? Anyone can get it for next to nothing so I'm
not sure how it's exclusive. Why do it? Originally it was to give news
coverage to people like Persona and Quazar who I felt Format wasn't
covering adequately (or at all in Persona's case) but of course we've
only really got Quazar left. I dunno, I still enjoy farting about with
the SAM, and I've found 30 like minded people so it isn't much hassle to
stick a little newsletter together every couple of months. Nothing earth
shattering in it, but there's always a few things available for the SAM
every couple of months.
This isn't a swipe either, btw, but there are a few people on this list
who seem to just hang about to criticise other people and say "why do
this?", "why do that?" Well why not? Of course it's a stupidly obscure
computer, with stupidly little support, but I still enjoy it. I get a
lot of letters from people happy with what I'm doing. *shrug* It's no
big deal :) Anyway, I hate reading stuff from a computer screen, I'd
much prefer to read it from paper.

SAM Community - Raising two fingers to Mr. Logic

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