> Would you be able to send me up a copy - Issue 1 as well if you have any - 
> I'll send cash down if you give me your address.

No problemo.
Address is: 
SAM Community,
34 Craigowen Road,
BT38 7NE.

I'll shove them in the post in the morning.

> At present I'm toying with the idea of kickstarting FRED again, but last time 
> I > mentioned it on the list there was no response - you think people would 
> be 
> interested in helping out these days? What kind of input/feedback/sales are 
> you > getting?

I unsubscribed from this list a few weeks ago due to er something or
other so I must have missed that. I'd personally love to see FRED back.
One paper 'zine (being the newsletter, as nothing else is about now) and
one disk 'zine (being FRED) would be just right I think. Feedback wise
I've had a number of letters saying they are really pleased and relieved
as they assumed the SAM scene was dead. I've also had a number of
letters asking what happened to FRED, so there's obviously some demand.
Sales wise, it's around 40 now - I think it could quite easily hit 50,
which is quite a respectable number me thinks. 

When you say "kickstarting FRED" what did you mean? Are you considering
it? I'll certainly lend a hand if I can.


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