Gavin Smith wrote:
>> So, what do you think about this idea?
>> A bi-monthly disk mag - this would have the advantage of being
>> downloadable via the Net in .dsk format, or it can be sent through
>> the post on a floppy. 

Justin Skists wrote:
> Personally, I think I'd prefer a paper based version.

I think I would subscribe for a disk / .dsk magazine (probably the .dsk
myself). This would give me a reason to look at SimCoupe...

Otherwise, I would also be interested in a paper / .pdf magazine. You're
using a Mac right? (From your e-mail headers... Hey Netscape 4.7?! And
OS/2 only has 4.61! *snif*) Anyway, I think there is a Mac version of
GhostScript which produces .pdf files. Take a look at this site:
Then I would be able to print off a copy myself, and read it from paper,
with all the layout that you intended.
If you opt for this, then you will be limited to the fonts: Times New
Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol and Dingbats. But in my humble
opinion, this is all that is required to produce a professional looking


James Gasson

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