Justin Skists wrote:
> I got the newsletter at the weekend.
> Good job, Gavin.
> Hell, there was some stuff in there that even I didn't know about!!
> And yes, I'd agree to the suggestion about making it into more
> than just a newsletter.

Glad you liked it Justin. For everyone else, the Newsletter is simply
four pages of A4, with pure news (i.e. no editorial, no reviews, no
features etc). The idea behind this was so it wouldn't get in the way of
sales to the other mags such as Fred, Format and Blitz etc. However, as
these seem to no longer exist or at least no longer exist regularly,
perhaps it's now to think about expanding the Newsletter into a full
mag. My original plan was to stick with paper, as the vast majority of
the current members don't have Internet access. I understand what Dave
Whitmore means about messing around with stamps etc, but I can't do an
Internet only edition for obvious reasons and I don't know if I could be
arsed doing the paper zine and an online edition (although Dave kindly
offered to help with the second). So, what do you think about this idea?
A bi-monthly disk mag - this would have the advantage of being
downloadable via the Net in .dsk format, or it can be sent through the
post on a floppy. Of course, I'm not talking about producing a Fred
style mag, very few people are writing things for the SAM the way they
used to. However, it could still contain the news that would have gone
into the paper zine, but with screenshots, some editorial, even features
(there are some German SAM features which I don't believe have been
translated into English yet for example). The rest of the disk may as
well be filled with any new bits and pieces I can get my hands on.
There's still the odd new thing appearing for the SAM. I also receive
quite a few letters which could go nicely on the disk, along with any
relevant emails etc. 

Nothing spectular, nothing like the Fred glory days, but one single
resource that contains news, screenshots, any new bits and pieces - what
do you think?


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