----- Original Message -----
From: "Si Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: 12. listopadu 1999 16:30
Subject: RE: Wincoupe

> Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> > My machines a 166 pentium.
> >
> > Wincoupe needs a faster machine than this, needs a zimmer frame to get
> > around in this machine.
> hehe!  Try using fullscreen mode and making sure the 'accurate mode 3'
> option is disabled.  That will use 320x240 mode which requires no image
> stretching, so it's the fastest it'll go!  Not sure how it'll compare to
> speed of the DOS version under the same conditions tho.  With the
> mode 3' option enabled it uses 640x480 which requires the 2x1 generated
> image to be vertically doubled by the display driver.  Unfortunately you
> can't see the window title bar in fullscreen mode to know the speed, so
> you'll have to guess how well it's running - on-screen display is coming
> soon to solve that!

I think people who have P166 usually have some accelerated PCI video cards
on it (at least S3). These "S3 and better" can stretch picture by hardware.
So there shouldn't be a problem with 640x480.

> What the maximum framerate do you get on the startup screen with the 1x1
> window size and the 'frame skipping' set to 'none'?
> It's unfortunate that the only 2 machines I use are a PII-400 in work (S3
> video card with no hardware help) and a (dual) Celeron 550 at home (TNT
> video card *with* hardware help).  With the 1x1 window I get 167fps in
> and ~307fps at home, so I hoped it would be ok on something like a P166
> tho I hadn't tried it out!  I can't get it to drop under 50fps under any
> conditions at home!

I know that this question is not addressed to me, but I must say something.
When I set "frameskip none" it falls down to 25 fps. I have Pentium 3.

I use Pentium 3/450 and Windows 2000 rc 2.
Here is the table. It shows some interesting numbers, there are probably
weird bugs (in SimCoupe).

The "table" shows how the framerate changes when i set "frameskip" and
"accurate mode 3".
mode 3 on --- 175fps with "skip auto" --- 142fps with "skip none"
mode 3 off ---  50fps with "skip auto" ---  25fps with "skip none"

1. I though "skip none" should be the fastest. I can see "skip auto" is
faster. A bug?
2. Mode 3 off should generate 320x240 picture --> i.e. faster. But it is
slower. A bug?
All test were done in title screen (after reset).

Also, these all I've get with "frameskip auto". When "Frameskip none"
and "mode 3 on" I get 130fps (less than "frameskip auto"

> The frame skipping tries to make up the extra time to keep the underlying
> speed the same, but if the screen blits are taking far too long it can't
> quite compensate enough!  Slow blits also make the keyboard less
> as it's possible for keys to have been released before the keyboard scan
> sees then (and using keyboard buffering only leads to lagged keys which
> awful in games!).

Well, menu has no shortcuts. I want at least Alt+Space to enter the menu.

> I've (possibly contraversially?) removed the dirty line checking from the
> memory and video code, as the frame skipping and high resolution updates
> made things too complicated.  About the only drawback is that you no
> get a speed boost when no video, palette or border changes are made in a
> frame, but the frame skipping should cover those cases unnoticably anyway
> when things are running below normal speed.  I reckon most SAM software
> didn't really benefit from it anyway, and it also resulted in more of a
> speed fluctuation during use.  With the tests removed all memory writes
> a bit faster which benefits things as a whole. The only loss I can think
> are possible inter-line 'pixel effects', done by writing data to the
> close to the raster position (not including VMPR, border and palette
> which are still done accurately).  The undrawn part of each line is still
> updated at the end of the line to ensure to sure that they're not more tha
> 1 line behind - without this it magically removes the star field from some
> demos!

Dirty lines are too complicated? It's because you've probably did too
video code. I can imagine your sources. :-)))
Mame uses dirty rectangles (the thing you call "dirty lines") and it
benefits from
it. You're right, that it can slow the whole emulator. But how much? A
little bit.


I thing this "alpha" version is much better than we could even expect from
"beta" one.

Bc. Aley [eili] Keprt - student, programmer (multimedia soft. etc.)
     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ***  http://get.to/aley

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