What? 90 minutes to convert a file????? Or 22 minutes 30 seconds?

Besides, i don't have a PC at home to run SimCoupe.. I'm still running
SAM Coupe(SAMCO original)... I have done since I realised that everything
I did on my PC, I could still do on my SAM (just a little slower).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frode Tenneboe [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 12:38 PM
> To:   sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
> Subject:      RE[2]: Question: MIDI sequencing
> Justin Skists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's very good. Just be patient with it if you're used to the latest PC
> > based MIDI sequencers. The SAM's not very fast with the GUI, if you
> > know what I mean...
> > 
> > It comes with converters to and from .MID. Unfortunately, they're
> > written in BASIC. The last time I tried to convert a .MID using these
> > converters, the estimated time to convert was something like 45 minutes.
> > And since I have something like 20 720k floppies stuffed full with midi
> > files, it just wasn't going to do.
> Should be doable with SimCoupe/WinCoupe at full speed on a hot
> iron?
>  -Frode
> --
> ^ Frode Tennebø                    | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ^
> | Ericsson Radar AS.               | Isebakkeveien 49               |
> | Phone: +47 69 21 41 47           | N-1788 Halden                  |
> | with Standard.Disclaimer; use Standard.Disclaimer;                |

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