At 7:40 pm +0000 28/11/99, Dave Hooper wrote:

>>  Could it be that when the 'M' is paused there's less work going on
>>  => the eTracker code is being called at a different position in the frame.

Yes, that is going to be true.

>> At this state maybe the routine in WinCoupe that passes the sound info to
>> SAASound.dll is being performed part way through the eTracker code; maybe
>> even between an OUT to a sound chip address port and its corresponding OUT
>> to the data port.

The way I understood it (which is quite possibly wrong) was that the sound
support for SimCoupe worked as a continuous stream, rather than quantized
20ms chunks. I don't think exactly that would be the problem, BICBW.

>To be honest, this is totally lost on me. Subtle timing effects are very
>If anyone has MnemoDemo 2 or Fred 60 for me to have a play with, could they
>send me a **ZIPPED** .dsk image? Thanks. (anything else as well would be
>appreciated, particularly things with suspected audio bugs)

MNEMOdemo2 is at (okay,
that's 124k gzipped not zipped, but you can cope with that can't you?)


 --  Andrew Collier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  --        My other
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   -- Part 3 Materials Science, Cambridge --      PDF file

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