> Whoa!!!
> I forgot you were living there...

Oh yeah :)

> Cheers for the news - and stay out of trouble!! :)

No problem :) It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow...

> I take it that you're not one of the ringleaders. :) After all, aren't all
> these protests supposed to be organised on the web these days?

Nope - not me :) I like to stay *out* of situations where it's likely that
I'll be gassed/shot at/whatever :)

> Incidently, exactly how big is a "block"?

Ummm... it's er... ummm.. I'm not sure :) I'll put a map up.


Oh... and apparently, there was a bomb in an
unattended briefcase in a garage on Pine & Boylston. Which is literally
(this time) two blocks away from me.

Yay! Isn't it fun?


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