Mac Buster wrote:
>         Hello!
>  I am new in this mailing list and would like to know is
> there any log file of this list ? I don't want ask same
> questions if there are qnswers already. Also I wold like
> to know about programming for Sam, is there any books,
> references available yet ?

Hello and welcome Mac Buster (?? Does that mean you like Macs or hate
them? :)
Ian Collier keeps the archive of the list... the address you want.
As for books, poor old SAM has never had many books, but you can make
use of many of the Z80 programming books that are aimed at the Speccy -
you might be able to pick these up cheap from second hand sales or try and Apart from that, we have the BASIC
(literally basic) manual that came with the machine, and also a
technical manual which, apparently, isn't all that great. 
The SAM ain't quite dead yet - the next issue of Crashed should have one
or two new SAM columns in it and the latest issue of SAM Community has
news on a potentially great new game plus lots of other bits and pieces
- mail me off the list if you want the address etc.


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