> It is probably still worth trying to suss out a copy of the technical
> manual if you can.  It may not be totally comprehensive, but it does
> contain some useful information.  A lot of stuff that should have been in
> the basic manual (and was in the one for the spectrum), such as a complete
> list of system variables, was placed in the tech manual instead.  Simon
> did start work on an alternative technical manual - I remember downloading
> an unfinished copy.  Is that still around / was it ever completed?

Simon unfortunately has always been too busy to complete it :(

I've got a copy of both techy manuals - including the original one .... now
if i had a scanner and plenty of time i'd have a bash scanning them in....
if mr brenchley complains, i'm sure he'll be de;ighted to pay gavin what he
owes him at the same time...!

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