The Mad Goose wrote:
> On 17 Apr 00, at 23:05, Steven Pick wrote:
> Hi Steve - its good to have the old famouns names coming back to
> the list.

Yeh, heloo Steve.... not that you know me. But hey.  Seems a lot of
ex-Sam users end up working in bit flash companies doesnt it?  Must be
something in the little rubber feet.

> A huge big SAM website, something along the lines of World of
> Spectrum, was something I toyed with a while ago - but like
> everything I think of it never gets off the ground.

Well, I might even be able to lend a hand on the sly myself :).. Web
design is all I do these days, basically because it pays well for the
effort involved :)... So something else a bit mroe creative would go
down a nice treat instead of typing up companies boring product details
( wouldnt believe how hard they try to make air purifiers sound
exciting and fun-packed).

So, er, if anyones wanting to give it a go, I'll lend a hand in spare
time & stuff... :)

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